Music that shaped my youth
I came of age in the late nineties and early aughts and a lot of my musical tastes reflect this.
At the time Set It Off was released I’d not been heavy into hip hop for close to a decade but the SIO soundtrack changed that for me.
Da 5 Footaz went in on this track and it’s one of my favorites off the soundtrack.
Queen Latifa, for me, as a kid watching BET in the late 80s was Ladies First and in the 90s, U.N.I.T.Y. I never thought that she could be this… hard. Straight up big black girl slaughter on this diss track and when I first heard it, as a tall big black girl myself, took to it immediately and it was on heavy rotation in my bedroom in the Devereux Group Home Barracks.
Namecallin’ pt. 2
This… she bodied three whole ass women on this track, on four different samples and I. I didn’t know this existed until today as it was unreleased and shit I see why!